University of Lethbridge

3200 Series Retractable Bleacher, plastic VIP seats, 2 colours.

William Glesby Centre

3200 Series Retractable Bleacher, fully upholstered VIP seats.

Catholic Central High School

2400 Series Retractable Bleacher, plastic contoured seat modules, 2 seat colours for lettering.

University of Winnipeg

Duckworth Centre - 3200 Series Retractable Bleacher, plastic VIP seats, 3 seat colours for lettering.

Weston High School

2400 Series Retractable Bleacher, plastic contoured seat modules.

Gym Divider Systems

It's a typical P.E. conundrum: multiple sports but only one available space. Alas! The gym divider system has come to the rescue, with the power to maximize the space in a gymnasium by separating it into segments, conveniently allowing multiple groups to use the space without disrupting the other. Peace for all mankind, achieved.

Royal Stewart offers a variety of gym divider systems, including: Gymnasium Centre Roll Divider Curtain, Gymnasium Electrafold Divider Curtain, Deluxe Walk-A-Long Gymnasium Divider and RS AC Archery Curtain. Each divider varies, and we are more than happy to explain the how’s and why’s, as well as assist with set-up and demonstrate the functions of each unique system.

There are plenty of details to consider, including specific measurements and dimensions, which makes a consultation, a quick phone call or a closer look at the features outlined on the site all the more handy for this type of large installation. For now, we will simply highlight some of the basics you may be looking for.

Suspension of the gym divider track will be from the ceiling superstructure or wall mount brackets, and samples of the track and corresponding materials will be supplied for approval. The curtains are fabricated with fire and smoke-rated, vinyl-coated polyester. Follow us so far? Steel wheel carriers with wheel bearings, complete with adjusting chains, S-hooks and all required accessories for proper securement are also supplied. After the process is complete, a single person should have the power to easily pull back the curtain.

Today - divide the gym, tomorrow – world domination.

Technical Specification Sheets

Archery Curtain

Deluxe Walk-A-Long Gym Divider

Gymnasium Centre Roll Divider Curtain

Gymnasium Electrafold Divider Curtain

View All Technical Specification Sheets

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